I was hallucinating the other morning while preparing my lunch for the workday. As I carefully crumbled the ever prolific blue cheese into my delicious salad, I was struck by a flurry of quandaries. First was “can blue cheese go bad?”, followed closely by “can blue cheese be fixed?” Interesting questions indeed, given the bacterial nature of such a product. However, in such an altered state this was quickly and easily transformed into a political dilemma. “Can that which is seemingly corrupt get worse?” and “can a system inherently corrupt be changed or improved?” It occurred to me that blue cheese is a moldy dairy product that happens to taste good with wings, which are regularly paired with beer. I’ve heard analogies that Hillary seeks support from or is supported by America’s beer drinkers (ie, middle American corn belters and blue collar workers), while Barack is favored by the young, sophisticated wine drinking white collar democrat, and while hallucinating it all was so clear. Clinton strategically embraces the bacterial cheese that somehow works (loose term) and states she will improve it, while Barack likes his dairy pure and seeks to change the inherently corrupt, which, although difficult, should not be impossible based on our understanding of antibiotics and antibacterials. Things admittedly became fuzzy when I teetered on the reality that sometimes we cure infection with more bacteria, and that's when it all disappeared.
Anyway, something to ponder during the fiasco that is Decision 2008. I have no answers my friends, only more questions.
Does anyone know what time it is?
brilliant post. i heard barry on the radio talking about the failed war on drugs and the over prosecution of non-violent drug offeners. he was talking about ebbing the flow of captial being thrown at building jails and reinvesting it in treatment and community based programming that for years has already been proven more effective. thats whats up.
Sometimes it takes a great metaphor by an erudite mind to help crystallize an otherwise foggy and confusing situation. This is one of those times. Kudos and snack-packs to Dad for his insight and bacteria understandings.
In continuation of the bacteria idea, is it bacteria that makes the cheese funky or the funky that allows for the bacteria?
Is it the politician that makes politics so political or the political that allows for the politician?
I agree with Dad, no answers only more questions. But you know who should have answers are those that desire the keys to the Oval Office.
America is indeed sitting across a metal table from a large, shinny- headed man in dimly light room. Gun placed on the table, "You know you done fucked up now. Don't you? You know you done fucked up." Now what?
That picture looks exactly like "the clump".
Yesterday Obama, when confronted by a ginny from Philly in an Italian market trying to get a photo with our countries hope, showed that, whether you believe it or not, he is brother through and through. Him being caught on tape telling phillies phinest (dude looks like a notrous dealer at the spectrum) "you are wearing me out brother" made me more confident and re-assured my vote is in the right place. Rocky was persistent and finally got his picture but Obama refused to smile for it. I am an Obama Momma.
Great post! Barack and Steve '08! Young men, with big brains, and bigger ideas!
I'm so scared of the clump I don't even like thinking about it.
As for PW County, Holy Hell. Do you think Woodbridge resident, Chris King knows that you have to press '1' for English everywhere?
If I have my way dunbar, I'll be in the Center for Court Innovation think tank this summer! Stop the revolving door!
i like ranch with my wings
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