Tyler Technology and the techie weenies from the blaster face off on the basketball court against the domineering IT team from Double Click. These two teams are arch rivals on and off the court. Last year Double Click joined the Google enterprise and made millions. Later for fun they played the Blaster in bball and sank as many points as Bron Bron playing the Knicks. Tyler Tech doesn't normally lace up, but since it's such a big game they are brining in the heavy weights. If you want to witness the showdown it's on 106 and Amsterdam at 9:15.
tyler turquoise
Is that a new gold chain I see hanging from the neck of our technology hero?
That chain is part of T-Bag's (that's what they call him at the office) intimidation factor. It's working for him don't you think??
I have placed a bet with bodog for $356,700,000 (even money) that either:
a) tyler will get hurt
b) tyler will hurt someone else by accident
Stone cold lock.
T-bag is a whirling dervish of defense....
It hurts when he fouls.
bring the pain beeaattches. My slashing dribble penetration is going to dominate tonight. if you want a lock, check fouling out in the first quarter, happens everytime i play organized bball
Please tell us all about the times you play "unorganized bball"? (I think Tyler might be in a fight club).
Please post a full account of the happenings ASAP. Although I think the Incon. Dog could do it, I third party view would be optimal. Please.
What the hell happened?! This is the worst reporting job in years. Tony Kornheiser you are not....
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