Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tyler Roosevelt

Tyler thinks if he was most like any man in history, he is like Teddy Roosevelt. While watching Ken Burns' new 30 part documentary, "National Parks," a segment about Teddy Roosevelt came on. The buffalo were being hunted at outrageous numbers and there were many people that began feeling as if this was bad, and that this should be stopped or at the very least regulated. Cut to a segment-- "a young 24 year old from a wealthy family in NYC heard about the great wild buffalo of Yosemite National Park, and with great urgency jumped on a train and headed out there; he was greatly concerned. Young Theodore Roosevelt was worried that all the buffalo would be gone before he got a chance to kill one." Tyler starts fist pumping the air, saying "yes! I love Teddy, he's my man!" Then he likened himself to Teddy Roosevelt.

Teddy Roosevelt was once shot at close range, and then gave a 90 minute speech.
Teddy Roosevelt once killed six rare white rhino's.
Teddy Roosevelt called himself the Bull Moose.

Tyler wants to be called the Bull Moose.

For the record I think I'm like Molly Brown.


Fighter Hayabusa said...

we both lived in the Gramercy section of Manhattan

we both love meddling in the affairs of cuba

we are both know for our "rough riding"

Mom said...

I understand the Cuba thing, but "rough riding"....?