Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bo Jackson Challenge?

I was recently reminiscing about the first time I met PG and TS; they were in a heated argument about which one of them was more skilled. It seems they have had a long standing challenge called "The Bo Jackson Challenge" (the name evidences the amount of time this challenge has been lingering out there). They almost went to blows over it, although the possibility exists that they may have just had really crushing hangovers, and therefore were irritable and furthermore, they used to punch each other in the face to show their love as well, but I found it incredibly funny. (It should be noted that I was super high and subsequently got lost for an hour and couldn't find my way out of Island Grove) but I remember it as funny. Anyway, I still see this sentiment between them, each thinks the other is a boob. They really want to settle this fight. I would like to see this happen and I propose we schedule a date, time, and place and have ourselves a real show down? eh?? I'll bring snacks.

Some of the categories I would like to see are the following:

1. 100 yd dash
2. Sit ups, push ups, and pull ups--how many in 60 seconds
3. Fantasy football team draft
4. Sewing buttons onto a shirt sleeve
5. A mid court shot
6. Football through a hoop
7. Vertical and horizontal leap
8. Best fitting jeans
9. Shot gun a beer
10. Flexed arm hang

These categories are obviously flexible if anyone has better/more categories that I have not listed. The winner gets to be a contestant on the "Shaq vs." show, and the loser has to drink Night Train Margaritas.

I'm free the weekend of November 15th.


Stephen Hawking said...

yo, i want in on this mug...
dan vs dave, one of these bamas ain't makin the cut! the 15th is good, but the 14th is hiphop summit 2009: the red sauce plan the date accordingly (please)

Mom said...

You should most definetly enter, PG and I discussed opening the field of contestants up, as well as tweaking some of the events; there will be a sit and reach and perhaps a game of Horse to replace half court shot, as it seems pretty well decided that half court shots are luck and not skill.

TS thinks he can do 30 pull ups.

the lyrical jesse james said...

Chuck's Jimmy Neutron/Astroyboy thang is way effect in that pic of him puffing that butt in the snad dollar shorts.


the lyrical jesse james said...

effect = in effect.

snad = sand

today = Monday.