Thursday, May 22, 2008

Portrait of a Man.....

So it’s beautiful out, right. I got on the lavender button down oxford, sleeves rolled to about mid forearm. Navy sleeveless sweatervest, lightweight tan chinos, money brown loafers, sans socks. Fresh shave, fresh cut by Darvin. The sun is shining, I’m out in the field, just completed another successful intervention with a high risk family. I’m driving back to the office in one of the lovely government vehicles. Windows are down, music is loud. Look good, feel good. Fugees are on the radio, Killin ‘em Softly, I’m gladly singing along. Sun still shining, I pull up to a red light. Here it comes, I’m waiting, feeling great. LBoogie, take ‘em to the bridge…. Man I hit that thing: “whooooooooooooa-ohhhh-ohhh, whoooooooahh-oohhhh-oohhh-ohhh-ohh-oohhh”. Top of my lungs, right, still at the red light. I happen to look at the car next to me…

Quarter-ton Ford, dirty as hell, full contractor get up in the bed: ladders, shovels, drywall, fast food bags, etc. Windows down, four burly dudes, red faces, camo hats, unshaven, Oakleys, stained white tee’s mean muggin’ your boy something fierce. What does one do?
The split second (or less) of contemplating my manhood resulted in the following:

“Laaaaa-laaaa laaa-laaaaa laaa laaaaa-daaa, Whhooooooaaa ohhhhhh ohhhhhhh!!!”

Keep it gully, do you! (whaddup bobb-o).
The ghost (strumming your pain)


. said...

Watch me do me.

cosmic charlie said...

if any one were ever to truly question how man you are simply stand next to their girl and wait for the seed to get planted

Anonymous said...

donnie appleseed?

cosmic charlie said...


the lyrical jesse james said...

they mad lucky ski mask didn't get busted out. If you don't know ask somebody.

Dose dudes never once heard Ironman, supreme clientele, bulletproof wallets, fishscale, the pretty toney album, or the big doe rehab. Who man now?

If you represent the struggle then PUSHHHHH

. said...

I live my day at a time.

B. Green said...

Thanks for being true. I always find ways to continue to do me. Like today, I carried my lunch in a used Target bag to my job in the airport then came home and mowed my lawn in a circle.

. said...

I dont believe you mowed. Nice bit though

. said...

BTW, thank you for strumming my pain with your fingers (and computer).

Anonymous said...

singing your life with my words

cosmic charlie said...

concentric ta boot. he may or may not have built a picnic table with his bare hands as well