Monday, May 5, 2008

feelin' it


green mama said...

I should've called it "killing it". Seriously.

Mom said...

I love X-man's "state puff marshmallow" move! That is so now.

Diego has crazy talent! (and endurance).

Happy Anniversary Nancy and B!

Anonymous said...

dominating the rural dance scene since '03, bitches. nice 366 lamillers, honestly.

cosmic charlie said...

rough it off>metronomic underground. wowzers. diego is to rural abtract dance-art as hager is to dc power play sports weekends. principe more cutererer. friends are fun. one year since the miller nuptials, where does the time go? oh yeah, surprise parties, group hangs, engagements, weddings, chimichanga weekends, funky cavern, drums>space, etc.

. said...

Well said my gay porpoise