Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Neat tip for The Sandler's Engagement Party

Bring the perfect party favors.


. said...

Before I scrolled down, I would have bet my year's pay that PGD had posted this.

I think this is more appropriate for the car of bar's penis party.

green mama said...

I am appalled. I was not thinking that way Mr. Dale, my word. (I seriously did not even realize how that could be taken and now I am a bit embarrassed.) I just thought it was funny my husband brought home pickle popsicles on the same night of the Pickle King's big announcement. (I think it's time for a new nickname.)

green mama said...

p.s. what is a penis party and was this something I was supposed to have before my wedding???

cosmic charlie said...
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cosmic charlie said...

Tiara of dildos