Hello everyone,
Following Mike's post I felt it was about time that I put pen to paper, finger to key and provide an update on the inner workings of myself. I felt it important to also speak to the outerworkings of myself and generally summarize the past 6 months...play a bit of catch up if you will.
1) My move to the cap: Things in DC have been both loving and hating, much push and pull. I am unsure as to what my expectations were, although it is fair to say they have been met or exceeded many days and fallen drastically short on others. I think the disconnect lies in the fact that the district is actually a small township, not a large city. A part of me was searching for the large city scape life that often amazes me in NY and the other half looking to reconnect with the sleeping negro in my soul (his name is Jerome). The "neighborhood" is everything I could have wanted. I think this in large part to Chris who lives a short 'out route' away. He is truly one of the greats and I have come to value our friendship with my life. If you have not connected with Bobbi in the past year, put it high on your list of to-do's in 2008.
I have also come to realize the benefits of highly populated areas and how this correlates with one's intimate relations. I have been dating quite prolificly and been having a great time. This great time is often muddied by social ettiquite of dating for which I was a stranger. How to greet for the first time (match.com dates), does she like me (ofcourse), do i like her (not really), should I make out at the bar (usually), shall we go to her house or mine (hers...makes her feel more comfortable I have found and less robert whorry), and so on. Most times, I admit that at some point during the evenings I find myself longing for a stiffer drink and a wizards game. Conversations of work, fake vacations I recently took and will be taking, talking about my prop plane and pilots license, my ex career as a high school counselor and drug dealer, and the like are fun but remove me from the greatness that I know to be the bar scene of the district. Currently, I am dating a 6'3" woman who happens to be lovely and a good time. I plan to break up with her sometime next week.
Speaking of the bar scene, i am firmly planted. Over the months of late october (move-in) until very recently I was going out nearly 4 nights a week. This usually leads to bigger things and you can imagine how much "fun" I was having. Clinical depression and massive grins have never walked together for such a long duration. During these types of episodes, I often try to reform my life in acts like quitting smoking and other drugs. What I have found is that there are bigger things to tackle, such as not caring so much about my health and relying on neat vitamins to make me feel "good". I started and stopped Yoga although I plan to get back into that soon enough. It makes me feel good but feels self defeating since I am smoking again...interesting cycle of filth, eh?. The long and short...I am fickle as fuck.
This is one installment of many more to come...just needed to get my feet wet.
I need more of this. Hager invented life as we know it...and honesty. And, I want in.
its ice
someone gonna get pregnant. remember, self inspection and reflection is the key to healthy dating, both emotionally and physically.
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